
Maybe I am not as old as I feel

I have been feeling a little old lately. Not that 31 is old, but in my head, I am still in my early 20s. So, I started back to school this fall. I am trying to ease back into this whole college thing with two math classes, a biology lecture, and biology lab. Well, it has been kicking my butt, to say the least. I don't know how many times over that past month I have said the phrase "I am not as smart as I used to be." I am embarrassed to say that I have left after class in tears and had to call Bryan to vent about it. I have spent MANY hours studying for Biology. And just when I think the lightbulb has turned on for me in math, it burns back out. Actually I think the math lightbulb in my head just flickers. Anyway, between feeling a little dumb and sitting in classes full of what look like 12 year olds, I feel old. Not to mention, my run the other morning combined with being on my feet all day working my shift at the consignment sale, left me feeling like an old lady. I could barely walk yesterday.
Well today was duty-free lunch at the girls' school. (The teachers don't have to eat lunch with their class. The parents come and take over for the lunch period one day a month.) I have been running a little ragged the last couple of days and the makeup just isn't covering those dark circles under my eyes. Again, I am feeling a little old. So to make myself feel better, I told all of the kids in Payton's class that I was her sister. Of course, some kid had to call me out and say that I was her mom. He said he knew because they were in Kindergarten together and I was her mom then. And then another kid said the sweetest thing I have ever heard. He said I didn't look old enough to be a mom. How sweet is that. I don't look old enough to be a mom! I love it. Maybe I'll go have lunch with her class everyday.


kelly said...

holy cow!!!! 2 math classes!!! you are smarter than me... I am in math 100 still.. .ugg I hate math... any way where are you going to school? I am proud of you.. going back to school with small children is might tough.... I am at bishop and will be there until next fall I think... then I will go to the big school...olololol

good luck

miss you.

Lisa said...

Oh i remember feeling like I was the oldest person in the entire University when I went back to school. NOT FUN! But, wow, you are doing it!! You'll do great!! And hey, I just turned 37 - and I feel every single day of it!

Nutty Newburns said...

wow do I know how you feel it seems like the classes get younger and you are the only one that doesn't get it and they are all talking about how they just took it in high school and I always love when they are late and whining about how they can never get up or anywhere on time and they live on campus wow try kids and a husband thank goodness we are finally at a point that we all wear uniforms except the baby that always helps get out the door a little faster! Hang in there you are definitely my hero! see ya this weekend!!

Andrea said...

You are AMAZING! Hey even when I took Biology in college at 17, I went home crying. I HATED biology. I loved the math though--but seriously don't think it would be easy for me anymore.
Oh, and this should make you feel better--I'll ALWAYS be OLDER! You're VERY young to me!:)

Scrappinwendi said...

Girl you are doing great. I am very proud of you going back to school. You arent old...I'm old because some grocery checker in Monroeville thought my brother was my son and Casey was my grandkid! LOL!!!