
They must really love each other...

No matter what they are doing, I always find the girls crammed into the same 2 square feet of space. They like to share this same space in:
  • A closet floor
  • Eating breakfast
  • Doing homework
  • Under the comforter on my bed
  • On the swingset
  • In front of the TV
  • The couch where I am already sitting
  • In the bathroom to brush teeth
  • In their beds
  • In front of the computer

This is not a staged photo. This really is how they play. They have plenty of room to play in their bedrooms or in the TV room. Yet, they usually all cram into a closet to play. When they sit down to do homework, they will all gather around one corner of the dining room table. But their favorite place to share space is their beds. The other night I went back upstairs to check on the girls after I had tucked them in. Hayden wasn't in her bed or in her room. So I start calling for her. She comes running out of Taylor's room to tell me that she was sleeping in Taylor's bed. I go to check out the situation. Taylor was in Payton's bed with her and tells me that she had been sleeping there for the past couple of nights. More recently Taylor is sleeping back in her own bed but Hayden hasn't left it. So if you need some extra space to play of sleep, come on over. We have some space we aren't using.


Alabama Apples said...

How fun...having sisters is the absolutely best!!!! I love being crammed into places with my sisters, too. ;)

You are such a wonderful mother. I'm so impressed all that you accomplish with your family, church callings, friends and now school. Seriously Annie, you're amazing. Hats off to you!

kelly said...

I so know what you mean..... Kyli addison has a field trip tomorrow and brynli has one thursday... ugg.... I can't go to either one becuase of school.... at least I am almost done with this semester.... thank goodness! did you get into the teacher program...call me so we can chat... my digits are 421 3939

sure wish you were at gcs with us... we had ablast!

Andrea said...

Your girls are soo cute! Maybe they could come and teach my girls the whole mentality that having a sister is AWESOME! Mine just don't get it!
I ditto Liberty's comments.