
Time to celebrate

I have to brag about my girls again. They all got straight A's for the first quarter. Hayden and Payton didn't act like it was any big deal. Taylor is pretty happy about it, though. She said third grade is the hardest ever. She spends about 45 min on homework and there have been a few tears shed (from her and me.) She struggled a little bit in math but once I realized she was missing the instruction 3 days a week for speech and PACE, I got that straightened out. I love her teacher so much. Once she and I discussed the problem, she made sure Taylor was there for math most days. It has made all the difference.
Once the report cards came out, we had to celebrate! The girls all agreed that Marble Slab was the best place to do this.


Lynne said...

Prettiest girls ever. Love you guys- congratulations on straight A's.

Jim and Merry said...

I miss my girls so much! Congratulations on the super grades... Straight A's!!! Love y'all!

Alabama Apples said...

How fun! Congrats to your girls on their achievements. They are wonderful girls. I am so impressed they all got the all-star award. They obviously have been taught well. Just looking at their ice cream made my mouth water...

kelly said...

Yall are so cute! congrats to your girls for a job well done! how is school? I am glad it is almost over ...at leasst til spring.lol... call me sometime....

Andrea said...

Congrats to the girls on being All-Stars and also making straight A's. Taylor is right. Third grade is pretty tough, but not too tough for her--way to go on getting your A's.
Cute girls!

Unknown said...

way to go girls!!! Arin will be so proud of you. Miss you guys so much. We will be in Mobile December 20th.