
Butterfly release

Several years ago, our PTA decided to set up two outdoor classrooms, AKA the butterfly gardens. Thanks to several hardworking parents and teachers, they have gotten bigger and better each year. What started out as a couple of canopies with nets thrown over the sides, is now two full size green houses with planters, benches, stepping stones, etc. Parents also donated flowers that butterflies are attracted too and will lay their eggs on. Each year every classroom in the school is given two cups with 5-8 catterpillars in each. The children are able to watch them progress from catterpillar into caccoon in their classroom. The cups are covered with a coffee filter and this is what they attach themselves to. After they become caccoons, (or is is it a chrysallis?), they are transferred to the greenhouses. Clipping these coffee filters to the lines strung across the greenhouses is not the most fun job in the world, but it was all worth it. After a week and a half, we had hundreds of butterflies just waiting to be released. On the day of the release the students gather around the greenhouse as the sides are rolled up and the butterflies start to fly out and sometimes land on the children. Obviously, they all loved it!
I didn't get any pictures of Taylor because the two greenhouses are released at different times and her grade level was scheduled for the second release.


Lynne said...

What fun...ERD PTA rocks the house. I'd love to see what the greenhouses look like now. Maybe we should come see them in person...hey that's an idea.

Scrappinwendi said...

OMG..Peyton looks so BIG!! I am missing those uniforms!!

Kara and Theo said...

Okay, now I am totally convinced that I want my kids to go to ERD. That is such a wonderful idea!