
Confessions of a Shopaholic

I have a confession to make. I have a slight shopping addiction. I don't spend my time hunting bargains for clothes, shoes, purses, makeup, or scrapbook supplies. I am addicted to finding great bargains on groceries. I like getting the Wednesday grocery ads a little more than I should and the Target ad is the first thing I pull out of the Sunday paper. I try to keep my coupons clipped so I can make good use of them. This isn't a new found love. This has been part of me for many years. Back when I was first married and when Taylor was a baby, Lynne and I used to spend hours clipping coupons and shopping at Delchamps when they would double and triple coupons. Sometimes we would close the store down trying to stock up on tinfoil, toothbrushes, cereal, etc. for free or just a few pennies. Delchamps eventually closed and those middle of the night grocery runs were history. But my need for a good grocery bargain lives on. You don't want to get behind me in the checkout at Walmart. I love to ad match and use coupons and it usually takes awhile. I also love to get my coupons doubled (up to 50 cents) at Brunos. I have recently discovered Targets $5 gift cards with certain purchases. But the story doesn't end there. Just a few weeks ago I was getting my weekly fix from the Wednesday grocery ads when I saw it.....Brunos was tripling coupons up to 55 cents on Saturday. Oh My Gosh!! I was so excited. And if that wasn't exciting enough, it has continued every Saturday for the past month. So what is a girl to do that has a stockpile of coupons and a addiction to good grocery bargains?! Go to Brunos. My first trip a few weeks ago yielded this bounty:

Any guesses on how much 5 bags of frozen biscuits, 5 boxes of Hormel lunch meat, 6 tubs of country crock spread, 10 large jars of Ragu, 8 tubs of frosting, 2 jars of wostershire, 1 box of crunch n' munch, 10 5ct. packages of Pringles minis, 12 boxes of Ziploc bags, 1 bottle of hot sauce, 1 bottle of Hungry Jack syrup, 4 bottles of Pine-sol, 11 rolls of Bounty paper towels, 2 bottles of shampoo, 2 bottles of detangler, 16 boxes of granola bars, 16 boxes of fiber one bars, and 17 1-lb. bags of rice costs? (That is 130 items -- all of which, we use)

Drumroll please......$117.00 with a savings of $232.97.

But it doesn't stop there. Here is the receipt for the day I spent 54 cents TOTAL on 6 boxes of cereal.

This is the other day at Target when I got 8 boxes of cereal and 8 jars of peanut butter for a cool $16.43.

Last Saturday's haul at Bruno's yielded this result:

I got these 17 1-lb. bags of rice, 25 rolls of Bounty paper towles, 16 boxes of Betty Crocker muffin mix, 16 Betty Crocker Warm delights (for when the Benham's come), and 5 boxes of Ziploc bags for $42.41.

The only drawback is that Bruno's will only let you do 10 coupons at a time so I have to stand in line dividing up my order into groups of 10 and try to keep the correct coupons together. My bank actually called me a few weeks ago because there was "suspicious" activity on my account. Apparently multiple small transactions at the same place sets off some sort of fraud alert.

I love finding a good deal, I love seeing my cupboards full for my family, and I love knowing that I am getting my food storage in place.


Lynne said...

Awwww, Delchamps. Those some serious good times. Two grown women getting all excited about free toothpaste. I wish we had taken pictures of our coupon boxes. That was serious business.

You need to find a good deal on some TP with all that Fiber One you bought.

Lynne said...
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Lynne said...

Hey remember when we used to go to Delchamps late at night with our coupons and we would see that lady there that was the membership card checker at Sam's?

And she would be like, "Hey Sugah, you buyin' cheese?" and we would be like, "Yeah." and she would say "Girrrrl, let me SHOW you this deal on cheese!" And she didn't even work there.

Love her...

Scrappinwendi said...

Your sister has got me hooked on Smiths and their deals. I am scoping out the Tuesday mail for my ads. I love Lynne for showing me this and I love not having to go to the market all the time. You girls should do a show like the guy that is in the paper out here. Whats his name...the grocery guro?

Jennifer and Enoch Jones said...

Annie, I really need to learn a few things from you...