
Coastal Cuisine

Part of Taylor's science curriculum this quarter is studying marine life. For the past couple of years at our school, the teachers have ended this unit with a Coastal Cuisine luncheon. This allows the students the chance to sample the local cuisine that includes some of the things they have learned about. The teachers put this whole thing together and the kids make decorations for the hallway. On the menu this year was gumbo, hush puppies, crawfish, bowled shrimp, and banana pudding .

Taylor willingly put everything on her plate but was not willing to try everything. She tasted the gumbo and said it was too spicy. She didn't want anything to do with the crawfish. She was willing to try the shrimp once a classmate offered to peel it for her but, when she saw the inside of eat, she changed her mind. She liked the hush puppies and banana pudding and asked for seconds. I was surprised at how many of the kids actually enjoyed the crawfish. I guess because it is not my thing, I figured kids that age wouldn't like them either. Yet, a lot of the kids were cracking those things open and sucking the heads like pros. Yuck!

Here are some gratuitous seafood pictures for the Benhams. Just a few more weeks and you can partake in your very own Coastal Cuisine.

Thanks to Maureen for being my hand model.


Lynne said...

Have Mercy...I hope you saved me the crawfish that Taylor didn't eat. C'mon, she could've just dropped it in her backpack. I'm sure nobody would've cared.

What? No raw oysters? Now that would've been fun...

Scrappinwendi said...

Ok all I can say is ....BLECK!! I dont blame Taylor for not eating anything but the hushpuppies and banana pudding. No seafood for the Kimballs!