
Better late than never

I am finally taking the time to post some pics of Thanksgiving. We spent it with Bryan's parents and Granny and Paw-Paw. This is probably the smallest group of people that we have celebrated Thanksgiving with in a long time. But, we still had a really nice time. I think the best part was Grandpa taking Taylor, Payton, and Hayden into the kitchen and they helped dry the dishes after he washed them. I could get used to that. I also loved everyone just hanging out after the meal. Grandpa and Bryan went upstairs to nap/watch football. Aiti watched some Christmas movies with the girls and played Uno. I got to sit and play the piano for a while. The good part about it being Thanksgiving is that I could play Christmas music and not feel bad about it.

The morning of Thanksgiving was pretty relaxing too. The kids sat around watching the Macy's parade on the television that spontaneously kept getting louder. And Lynne and I went through every single peice of the 100lb newspaper ( we had previously spent about 5 hours delivering 500 of them) to plan our course of action for Black Friday. That was definately time well spent.

1 comment:

Jim and Merry said...

Sounds like a great Thanksgiving day. And I love the pictures! So. What did you buy on black Friday?