
Too funny!

I got this in my e-mail and it was too funny not to pass on. I especially love that you can hear the lady that is video taping, laughing.

Hayden said another funny thing the other day and I promised mom that I would post it. We were talking about a new book that Payton got at the book fair called "Poor Puppy." I mentioned that it was by the same author as "Bad Kitty" (a family favorite.) So Hayden says, " I think the dog is the cat's nemesis." I asked her what she thought a nemesis was and she told me that it is when a good guy and a bad guy are fighting. It is the bad guy. Then she proceeds into this long dialogue about whether or not the cat is the bad guy or the dog is the bad guy. Or that maybe they were both the nemesis to each other. Deep thoughts, for sure.

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