
The next American Idols

I was talking to Lynne on the phone this evening and Hayden was walking around singing "Oops... I did it again." How does she know that song, you ask? Here is the link. Who knew that a little harmless fun on Barbie.com would turn my girls into wannabe rockstars. Anyway, I asked her if she would sing it on the phone for Lynne, but she said no. So I asked her if I could put a video of her singing on the blog and she agreed. Hayden immediately got Taylor and Payton involved and they orchestrated this little number. They even picked out their own "costumes." I am glad they decided to put clothes on because two of them were running around in only their panties. What do you expect in a house full of girls?

*Be sure to pause the music at the bottom of the page so you can hear the rockin' vocals on the video*

They decided to also do "What I Like About You." (another favorite from Barbie.com)

Here are also a couple of pictures of how Hayden and I spend our day while the girls are at school. She loves to play games. We spend lots of time playing checkers, Connect 4, Dora dominos, Trouble, Cariboo, Dora Memory, and Webkinz. I hope her Kindergarten teacher will play games all day with her next year or we are going to have a problem.

Hey Hayden, take off you jacket and stay awhile.

I usually can't get her to wear a jacket, but on this day, I couldn't get her to take it off.


Lynne said...

Lance said:
That's weird. I know where they are. They are on the bridge.

Lynne said...

Those videos are hilarious. I didn't know Hayden had such moves. And Taylor and Payton were cracking us up. Tell them Thanks for putting on such a great show. Next we want to see you dancing with them. We all know you have some sweet Britney Spears moves.

Alabama Apples said...

I love it! Amazingly it brought back memories of some of my own moves...gotta love children singing "I'm not that innocent!" It made me laugh out loud!!

Brooke said...


I found your blog and I love it! How long has it been since I talked to you. I hope you all know how much I miss you and Alabama. Liberty tells me she sends my "hello" messages everytime she visits. I love your little girls. Why do they have to grow up? Of course I'm ready for mine to go on missions! These pre-teenage years....Send me a note sometime -- brookeormsby@hotmail.com. Would LOVE to hear from you! Brooke