
Things that make my heart happy

It might sound a little cheesy, but I love to find the little things in life each day that bring a smile to my face. So here is my list:

*When my kids wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and hearing them flush and wash their hands.
*Walking passed the Half-price Hershey Easter Eggs at Wal-Mart and not buying any.
*Taylor and/or Payton making their bed without being told in the morning.
*Having my family ask for seconds at dinner.
*Hanging out on the front steps with Hayden after carpool every morning just to hear the different types of birds.
*Pushing myself to do another mile when I feel like my legs are about to give out.
*A phone call from a far away family member.
*People complimenting my children on their behavior.
*Meeting Bryan for lunch during the week.
*Hayden telling me she already knows that I love her and that she loves me as tall as the Eiffel Tower. (this is a pretty common conversation)
*Clorox wipes
*Clean Sheet Monday

That's all I have for right now. If you comment, tell me something small that makes you smile.


Jim and Merry said...

Something that makes me smile? Reading your blog, knowing you are my daughter, kisses from my grandchildren, talking to you on the phone, buying a diet-coke for Bryan and leaving it in your fridge, going to Walmart late at night with you....
So I miss you, so sue me!

Alabama Apples said...

I love your list! For me...a freshly mopped floor, vacuum lines in the carpet,hearing "I love you", seeing my family, going out to Panera Bread, freshly mowed grass, spontaneous kisses from my little ones...

Anonymous said...

Having Casey Tell me "I love you momma" for no reason. Finding new product at Hobby Lobby. My Husband's hugs. Emily's report card.

Andrea said...

Your list is so wonderful. Thanks for making me stop to think about the little things that make me smile. Here's mine: Hearing my girls playing nice with each other, getting hugs from my family, when I'm reading a "baby" book to Cecily and Ariel runs up beside us to still hear, Mike cleaning up the kitchen, and last but not least reading your blog.