
Math Night

We spent the evening at the school for Math Night. Here are a few pictures from the festivities. It wasn't too crowded so we got to do most of the activities on 1st and 2nd grade halls. At each activity, they give you a little take-home packet so you can also play the games at home. All of the halls had an estimation game along with the other activities and Taylor won 2nd place for estimating how many cubes were in the jar on 1st grade hall. She won the book she is holding in the last picture. It was a nice evening that ended with us running by Kidz Klozet for me to pick up my unsold items and my check. It was a whopping $82 baby!!!! That will almost make up for what I spent at Sams yesterday, or Target on Saturday, or Wal-mart today. Man, that money is long gone already.

This game is "Make a 10." It's like memory but instead of matching numbers you are trying to find two numbers that add up to 10. Considering Hayden didn't quite get it, this lasted way longer than necessary.

On this game you predict which picture the spinner will land on the most then spin a bunch of times and tally the results to see if you are correct.

Same kind of "guess where the spinner will land" game.

This game had something to do with rolling dice, adding up the numbers, figuring out how many minutes past the hour it would be on a clock, etc. I'm not exactly sure because Bryan helped Taylor with this one.

The kids had a good time. As much as they enjoyed the games, I think they really enjoy seeing all their friends and teachers outside of the classroom.

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