
Happy Birthday to me

Not today. Last Friday. The big 31. They keep coming at me faster and faster.

The only reason I even mention it, is to brag about Bryan. As many of you know, I have been on a diet of sorts. So he took the time to make me the most delicious diet friendly dessert for my birthday.

What I would like to have eaten was this:

But once I saw this I was totally OK with not having any cake. So the kids had it all to themselves.

This was Bryans delicious creation. It was a crushed Double Chocolate Atkins bar crust. Layered with a Slim-a-Bear (or something like that) light Klondike bar then topped with Light Whipped Cream and berries. Oh my gosh. It was AWESOME!!!! Totally decadent. I have the best husband in the world.

We were thinking about going out for dinner, but I decided I'd rather get take out and stay at home. So we got some salads from O'Charleys and watched the Olympics and the girls watched Barbie Island Princess. (love the Redbox) I am telling you, we know how to have a good time.

I wasn't at home all day by myself though. I went out to breakfast at Cracker Barrel with some very good friends that I hadn't seen in a while. We had an awesome time catching up. Then, I got to go help Hayden's class at lunch. This was their second day eating in the cafeteria and they were still trying to figure it all out.

My best present for the day came from my kids:
While I was out picking up dinner, they made me the sweetest cards without me even knowing or any prodding from Bryan. I have the best family. What more could a girl ask for!?


Jim and Merry said...

I'm glad you had such a happy birthday. You are so right about Bryan. He is indeed a wonderful husband, and an equally wonderful son-in-law.

Andrea said...

Happy Be-lated birthday. Oh, and your berry dessert does look delicious! YUM-way to go Bryan.

Scrappinwendi said...

OMG! I totally forgot it was your Birthday when we were out on Friday. I feel like such a jerk. Happy Belated Birthday!

Laurie said...

Happy Birthday Annie! Hugs!

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