
Some funny pictures

Combining two families in one house for a month can have some logistical setbacks. The Benhams are always so welcoming and we totally had an AWESOME time this summer. But the time we spent there was not problem free.

There is always somone being mad about something:

When there are that many kids and that much laundry, there is bound to be trouble. Like not knowing whose clothes belong to who.

Or just having to wear whatever you can find, not matter how many holes are in them.Between church shoes, tennis shoes, crocs, flip flops, etc. we were always hunting for shoes. So Hayden just made her boots go with everything. Yes, those are her pajamas.

The homeowner can become very hostile.

The food situation is another whole story. You want ice cream you have to make it yourself.

The idea of nutrition goes right out the window. Laffy Taffy is a food group, isn't it?

If you do get hungry enough for something healthy, like pringles, you have to get it yourself, and you may be left to just crumbs.

Do you know how many gallons of water it takes to bathe that many kids? I think the slip-n-slide with irrigation water is a perfect substitute. Who needs soap anyway?

All that recreation can make a kid tired, so there has to be TV time. But there is never enough seats.
At the end of the day everyone is tired and just ready to go to sleep. But good luck finding a bed. You may be better off in the hammock at Cabela's.


Jim and Merry said...

Well, I have to admit that I really do have some adorable grandchildren...

Andrea said...

This post is way too cute. I love the first pic. of Lance looking "grumpy" and the one with the "eyes" looking out of the ripped shorts. Seriously, that made me laugh out loud, but the best by far is Gavin with the potato chips! Thanks for sharing more of your fun times.