
Good Times

We love to have the missionaries in our home. Expecially Elder Tovo and Elder Reis when they bring some music to share with us. After dinner the other night, they indulged us with a few of their songs. After bringing out Taylor's guitar, Bryan's guitar, and Payton's keyboard we had a little jam session going. Elder Tovo was even nice enough to teach Bryan a few new chords.

We definately have a good time when they come over, but we especially love the spirit they bring into our home. It is nice to hear the stories of their successess and for their example of hard work and dedication.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Thanks for posting about having the missionaries over. I've been meaning to post that video I have of them. Now that I know how to post videos, I'll do it soon. If for no other reason that my kids love watching it on my camera, but the screen is only like one inch and watching videos run my battery down.