
I 'll cry if I want to

What more can you expect from a houseful of girls? We are always having some kind of drama. Or someone crying about one thing or another. Most days, they all take a turn crying. Well, on this particular day, Payton was taking her turn.

What could she possible be crying about? Did she fall and hurt herself? Did she get in an argument with one of her sisters over a toy? Does she miss the Benhams? Did she get in trouble? No, No, No, and No. She is crying because Darth Vader dies at the end of Return of the Jedi. So sad, I tell you.

She is definately my most tender-hearted and sensitive child. She asked if she could be the one to say family prayer last night, because she wanted to pray that she wouldn't be tenderhearted anymore. I tried to explain to her that being tenderhearted can be a good thing. Because even though it causes you to cry sometimes, when you don't want to. It also means that you have a heart big enough to care about people, have compassion, and be kind. I think it made her feel a little better. But, guess what she did when I was explaining this to her? She cried, but just a little. I think she might be more like me, than I ever thought.

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