

FREEZING!!! That is all I can say to describe the weather. Some of the counties north of us cancelled school and in Northern Alabama they issued a state of emergency in anticipation of the winter storm moving through. I was keeping my fingers crossed for the weather to move a little south and for school to be cancelled for us. No such luck. It was business as usual around here this morning. Except there was a little more whining about the cold from Hayden. So, I bribed her not to whine with hot chocolate. Works everytime. I brought a blanket in the car on the way to school because we southern folk aren't adapted to this kind of crazy weather.

If we have to put up with cold, we should at least get some snow out of it.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Yes, y'all definitely need snow. Snow makes everything better. Not really. I'd be glad to send you some. Do you want the stuff from the backyard that looks like a yellow snowcone?